Category: UTAH

How to Increase Utah Home Value With Photovoltaics

Are solar panels worth it in Utah?

While many like the idea of solar, many Utahns are yet to experience its benefits. Often these individuals believe solar won’t add value to the house and will compromise the integrity of the roof, which may impact the roof’s durability in the event of a storm, therein compromising the potential market value of the home. […]

Plug-in Hybrids, EVs and Residental Solar

Benefits In Utah For A Home Solar System

The cost to commute adds up fast. In 2016, the average motor gasoline price expenditure per Utahan was $983. While COVID-19 has pushed 2020 gas prices down, they will go back up as people start returning to their offices to work. In the past, gas prices have continued to climb. Today isn’t any different, because of the […]

Intermountain Wind & Solar

Competitor Comparison

Intermountain Wind and Solar (IWS) has several locations. However, Go Solar Group only shares two states with them. These states include Utah and Nevada. Interested homeowners in these markets should gain a full understanding of how these two solar companies compare since both are viable options. Comparing solar companies can seem like a Herculean task, […]

Blue Raven Solar vs. Go Solar Group

Competitor Comparison

Every solar company has pros and cons, which is why we want customers to have the facts when deciding which solar company is the best fit. Both companies service locations in Nevada, Utah, and Texas. Blue Raven Solar is a great company with solid customer reviews on search engines like Google and many solar company […]

Passive vs. Active Solar in Utah

Utah Residential Solar

Passive solar is the use of different building materials to control the heat from the sun. Passive solar design is when homes use building materials such as insulation and energy-efficient windows to help the home heat and cool itself.  Active solar uses the sun to generate electricity through the help of solar panels. Because of how solar panels […]

Avoid Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Cost Of Utah Solar Panel Installations

Power purchase agreements, also known as PPAs, were started in the solar industry to ease the financial burden of installing solar panels. The problem is that this financial option has more cons than pros. For Utahans considering a power purchase agreement, it is wise to look at the fine details before making a decision. The […]

HOA and Solar Access Law

Utah Solar Policy

Solar has become a popular commodity in Utah. It is hard to drive down the street without seeing at least one home with solar panels. However, for those in Home Owners Associations (HOA) installing solar has been a bit of a struggle. Although there isn’t a very high percentage of Utahans in HOAs, the numbers […]

Solar Panel Cleaning: What Homeowners Should Know

Utah Clean Energy

Utah homeowners with solar-powered homes know that solar is a wise investment, not a cheap one. If you’re a Utahan with a solar home, however, what you don’t know about solar panel cleaning can hurt you. Cleaning a solar array effectively to maximize efficiency and panel production is, in conjunction with getting the aesthetic outcome […]

Utah’s State-based Solar Tax Credit in 2020 and Beyond

Utah Solar Incentives

The fight for power within the electric industry is real. In 2017, Rocky Mountain Power, Utah’s largest electric utility, proposed a change to its Utah solar metering program.  However, because of the voice of Utah citizens, not all of the changes were imposed, and a settlement resulted. The utility then agreed to implement the transitional program.  After the […]

2019 Utah Solar Panels Facts

Utah Residential Solar

Utah is a great place to have solar panels, especially in 2019 (before the ITC will be prorated in 2020). This is because there are also several other Utah factors that make solar a good option. What Makes Utah Solar Desirable in 2019 When you look across the valley, solar is popping up everywhere. Many […]

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