What Utahans Should Know About Utah Solar Policy

Utah Solar Companies FAQs

We aren't just renewing the idea of what solar panels can do for Utah. We're renewing the reality of what they can do for you. 

Learn All About Solar and the Best Utah Solar Company

Follow the pathways below to go on a solar learning quest and become an expert on solar power in Utah

7 Steps to Going Solar in Utah

Make Your Utah Solar Experience a Breeze With Go Solar Group

1 Talk To a Knowledgeable Utah Solar Appointment Setter

The first step before getting an accurate price is setting an appointment. With Go Solar Group you will talk to a knowledgeable appointment setter. They will get the information needed to size your system and set up an in-person appointment.

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2 Meet In Person to Discuss the Specific Needs of Your Utah Home

Once a non-obligation appointment is set, a Utah solar consultant will come to your home. They will go over the details of your proposal and answer any questions you have about it. This in-person appointment is an educational session and is not meant to be a pushy sales pitch.

3 Learn About the Quality Product Options

We pride ourselves in using quality German-engineered, 310-watt monocrystalline solar panels, and state-of-the-art inverters. See our updated product suite.


4 Choose a Process that Works for You and Your Utah Home

Once you have decided if Go Solar Group is right for you, we will help you check to see if your home qualifies for installation.

5 Stress-Free Solar Panel Documentation Completed For You

After you have decided how your system is going to get financed, we can start your paperwork. Because Go Solar Group is a full-service company, we do all the paperwork for you. This paperwork includes providing the necessary documents for federal tax credits. We make sure that all you need to worry about is signing on the line.

NV Energy and Solar Panels with GSG

6 In-House Certified Install Crew

Once your paperwork is approved, we will set an appointment to start your Utah solar installation process. Go Solar Group has its own certified Utah installers. We make sure that your install is prompt and correct.

7 Watch The Solar Savings Roll In

After installation, net metering, and inspection, you are ready to turn on your system. With a flip of a switch, you can now experience thousands of dollars in savings.

Calculate Your Solar Savings Now

Find out how much you can save by going solar in Utah with our custom solar calculator.

What Makes This Utah Solar Company Stand Out

African woman with solar product

Go Solar Group is a family-owned, full-service solar company founded in Utah after a service mission in Africa. We believe solar power is a power-full equalizer. We have wielded and marveled over its power and influence. It can provide economic empowerment to people of all creeds via improved global health, educational opportunity, solar savings, and the ownership of energy production it gives individuals.


After experiencing the benefits of installing solar products for orphanages in off-grid communities, Go Solar Group founders decided to pursue affordable solar in America so they can provide it in Africa. Since then, the business goal for Go Solar Group has been simple; bring affordable, quality solar products to all Go Solar Group customers.


Specialists at Go Solar Group set the customer appointment, design the solar array, submit the financing, complete and submit permitting, and assist with installing the solar array.


Common Utah Solar Panel Company Q & A

If you have questions regarding Utah solar, we have answers.

Do I Need to Own My Home?

Owning your home is very important to the process of installing a solar array. If you don’t own your home, the owner needs to allow the installation.

What Does Credit Have to do With Qualifying for Solar?

For many, the price of solar is not something they can pay for in one lump sum. Solar companies are aware of this. As a result, they have created relationships with financing companies they trust. If you have a credit score that is in the 700's or higher, you should qualify for a solar loan easily. Credit scores of 650 or above are usually baseline.

Why is Owing Taxes Important for Solar?

Because of the federal solar tax credit, you can get a percentage of your system covered. This percentage is equivalent to thousands of dollars. People who don’t owe taxes can’t qualify for this incentive. Not qualifying for this incentive makes solar less financially appealing. 

Do I Have Enough Usage to Qualify For a Solar System?

For both you and the solar company to benefit, you need to use a certain amount of electricity in a year. Solar companies would cease to exist if they couldn’t afford to pay their expenditures. Go Solar Group’s minimum usage for a solar array is 6,000 kWh over a year or an average of 500 kWh per month.

How Can I Maximize My Solar Savings?

Installing solar on your Utah home saves money. However, you can optimize your solar savings by completing high-energy activities when the sun is shining. Some of these activities include running the dishwasher and laundry machines. If you have a delay timer on your appliances, you can set them to turn on in the middle of the day. Appliances that don't have a delay timer save the most energy when they are turned on during a lunch break. Water fountains and pool/hot tub pumps also require quite a bit of energy. If you want to lower your water pump energy consumption, consider investing in a couple of items. A pool timer, a correctly sized pump, and an energy-efficient motor will save you hundreds in electricity bills. You need to circulate your water. However, when and how you do it can change how much it costs.


Is Battery Backup Worth it in Utah?

Regardless of the power source when the grid goes down, so will the power in your home. It is when these outages occur that a battery backup option would come in handy. Individuals who want to take control away from their utility would be wise to consider a home battery or two, so they can store all their excess solar power and use it to power their Utah home whenever the sun is down.

How to Choose a Utah Solar Company

When choosing a Utah solar company for your home, there are a couple of factors to consider. Finding the best solar company requires looking at the company's credentials, customer reviews, and the quality of its products.

Learn More About Utah Solar Terms With Our Periodic Table

There are lots of solar terms, making it easy to get lost in the industry jargon. With our Utah Periodic Table of Solar Elements, homeowners interested in residential solar can navigate Utah solar terms without a hitch.

Curious About Other Solar Terms?

Check out our solar glossary!

Discover the Cost and Savings of Solar Panels

The overall cost and savings of a solar array depend on a couple of variables. Some of these factors include the price-per-watt, deciding between wholesale and an installer, financing options, requirements for installing solar, and savings associated with residential and commercial solar. To learn more about these, check out our solar panel cost guide.

Go Solar Group's Product Suite

The products a solar company offers determines the production and longevity of the solar array. Go Solar Group has a plethora of quality products. 

We have a variety of solar panels and mounting racks that we use to help customize the solar installation to the customer's needs. One of the product selections that sets us apart, however, is our battery backup levels

These levels of backup help customers with different energy needs have the amount of backup they feel is necessary or affordable. These levels allow every Go Solar Group installed solar home, the option of operating during an outage. Our customers can choose between two Goal Zero product packages and Tesla's Powerwall 2

Utah Solar Reviews: Competitor Comparisons

Comparing solar quotes and reviews is the best way to determine which solar company to choose. With Utah's wide selection of solar companies to choose from, going through each one can turn into a time-consuming task.

To help interested parties cut down on time, we have started the comparison process. We find the top competitors in Utah and compare them to Go Solar Group.

Our competitor comparisons allow interested parties to determine how these companies compare both at a glance and on a deeper level. These comparisons also allow customers to determine which solar companies they want quotes from, providing confidence in their decision without the need for a quote from everyone.

Go Solar Group Success Stories & Testimonials

“We’re just really pleased with the result of working with Go Solar.”

“The city inspector told me he never has an issue with Go Solar Group installations.”

“It’s just nice to know we have some money invested in a place that’s doing the world and me some good.”

Wayne Sumner

“I feel they are a company I can lean on and depend on.”

“They are committed to the long-term benefit of the customer.”

“They were always there for me beyond the initial sale of the system.”

Steven Cummings

“I Want the Truth and I Felt Like We Were Getting that With Go Solar.”

“They Coordinated and Scheduled Everything for Us.”

“It Wasn’t a Sales Pitch. It Was Giving Us All the Facts We Needed.”

Andrew Morgenegg

“If you’re looking to put solar on your home, I would recommend them because of the way they treated us.”

“The best part was working with the people.”

“They showed us (in contrast to competitors) what I figured would be a much better situation.”

Dave Eckersley

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Consultation includes a Free & Accurate Cost of Solar Panels Estimate Based on Your Home’s Usage, Architecture, Design, and Solar Policies in Your Area.

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