San Antonio Solar - an Introduction

7 Steps to Solar in San Antonio with Its Best Solar Panel Company

Solar in San Antonio saves money while preserving the environment. This renewable option, however, isn’t for everyone. Go Solar Group is here to bring awareness to the solar opportunity in San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio's Solar Potential and What Sets Go Solar Group Apart

Follow the pathways below to go on a solar learning quest and become an expert on solar power in San Antonio.

7 Steps to Going Solar in San Antonio

Make your San Antonio, Texas solar experience a breeze with Go Solar Group.

1 Talk To a Knowledgeable San Antonio Solar Appointment Setter

The first step before receiving an accurate price is setting an appointment. At Go Solar Group, interested parties first talk to a knowledgeable appointment setter. The appointment setter asks about the information needed to size the system and set up an in-person appointment.

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2 Meet In Person to Discuss the Specific Needs of Your Home

After setting a non-obligation appointment, we will send a solar consultant to the home (during COVID-19, these appointments are not in person). Because this is an educational session, interested parties can expect the solar consultation will not turn into a pushy sales pitch. The solar consultant goes over the details of the proposal and answers any questions.

3 Learn About the Quality Product Options

We pride ourselves in using quality, 315-watt monocrystalline German-engineered solar panels, and state-of-the-art inverters. See our updated product suite for more information.


4 Choose a Solar Installer That Works For You and Your Texas Home

Choosing a San Antonio solar installer is not a light task, but once done, the searching is over. Once a homeowner decides to use Go Solar Group, the home goes through a series of checks to make sure the proposed plans for the home will work.

5 Stress-Free Solar Panels Documentation Completed For You

After settling the system's payment method, Go Solar Group can start the pre-installation paperwork. We make sure that all you need to worry about is signing on the dotted line. 

NV Energy and Solar Panels with GSG

6 A Trusted San Antonio Install Crew

Once the pre-installation paperwork approval goes through, we will set an appointment for the installation. At Go Solar Group, we work with trusted San Antonio installers to make sure the install is prompt and correct.

7 Watch The Solar Savings Roll In

After installation, net metering, and inspection, the system is ready to turn on. With a flip of a switch, the home can now generate power, saving homeowners thousands of dollars.

After the array installation, make sure to complete documentation to obtain the federal tax credits and kept it in a safe place for future reference.

Calculate Your Texas Solar Savings Now

Discover the potential savings associated with going solar in the San Antonio area with our custom solar calculator.

A Little More About Go Solar Group: A San Antonio Solar Company

Go Solar Group is a family-owned, solar company founded in Utah after a service mission in Africa. We believe solar power is a power-full equalizer. 

We have wielded and marveled over the power and influence solar has to provide economic empowerment to people of all creeds, backgrounds, and stripes, via improved global health, educational opportunity, more savings, and the ownership of the energy production it gives individuals. After experiencing the benefits of installing solar products for orphanages in off-grid communities, Go Solar Group founders decided to pursue affordable solar in America and use part of each sale to provide more clean energy in Africa.

Since then, the business goal for Go Solar Group has been the same. Bring affordable quality solar products to residents who want to support building a cleaner, healthier earth. This goal is the same for the homeowners we serve in the San Antonio area. Specialists at Go Solar Group set the customer appointment, design the solar array, submit the financing, complete and submit permitting, and assist with installing the solar array for each San Antonio home our company serves. 

San Antonio Solar Panels Q & A

If you have questions regarding San Antonio solar, we have answers.

Do I Need To Own My Home?

Owning the home is very important to the process of installing a solar array. Interested parties that don't own the home need the owner to agree to the installation.

What Does Credit Have to Do With Qualifying For Solar?

For many, solar is not something they can pay for in one lump sum. San Antonio solar companies are aware of this. As a result, they create relationships with financing companies they trust.

If the homeowner's credit score is in the 700's or higher, they should qualify for any solar loan. However, credit scores in the high 600s still have some loan options. 

Why Is Owing Taxes Important For Solar?

Because of the federal solar tax credit, homeowners can have up to 26 percent of their system covered. This tax credit is equivalent to thousands of dollars. To qualify for this tax credit, the person has to owe taxes. 

Do I Have Enough Usage to Qualify For a Solar System?

For both the homeowner and the San Antonio solar company to benefit, the home needs to use a certain amount of electricity. At Go Solar Group, the minimum residential usage requirement is 6,000 kWh a year, which equals an average of 500 kWh a month.

How Can I Maximize My Solar Savings?

While solar panels save money on electric bills, the optimization of these savings is possible through plus-solar additions, like San Antonio smart thermostats, and energy-conserving habits. Solar Panel maximization is also possible through energy-efficient upgrades such as new fridges or light bulbs. 

Why Is Battery Backup Important in San Antonio, Texas?

Cooperatives like GVEC and CPS Energy dominate the San Antonio area. These electric providers often have great incentives for solar generation.

They allow solar customers to stay connected to the grid at an affordable price. However, during an outage, grid-tied solar arrays need to turn off. Unless the home has some form of battery backup, solar power will do homeowners' little good during a blackout or short power outage. 

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Consultation includes a Free & Accurate Cost of Solar Panels Estimate Based on Your Home’s Usage, Architecture, Design, and Solar Policies in Your Area.

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