Category: SOLAR QUIZ

Quiz: What Kind of ‘Vibes’ & Energy Do You Give Off?


Did you know the human body generates enough electricity to fuel an iPhone in only 70 hours? Scientists have also asserted cities may be able to generate electricity merely from human footsteps. Given that your brain and heart are both conduits for electrical activity which influences your energy, bad and good ‘vibes’ are definitely a […]

Quiz: Are You a True Outdoorsman?


Do you instill fear within wild animals that make most men run for the hills? Can you rough it through the harshest of nature’s elements, or are you basically a domesticated house cat? Take this quiz to discover your true nature in the wilderness. Are you ready to discover whether you’re a weenie or a […]

Quiz: Are You Enough of a ‘Mr. Fix It’?


Although the dividing line between men’s and women’s roles in relationships has evolved significantly, women still want a guy who knows his way around a toolbox, can fix things, and improve the quality of life within a home. Contrary to popular opinion, being ‘Mr. Fix It’ isn’t always about fixing broken things; it’s also about […]

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