Quiz: What Kind of ‘Vibes’ & Energy Do You Give Off?

Solar Quiz: Do You Give Off Good Vibes and Energy?

Did you know the human body generates enough electricity to fuel an iPhone in only 70 hours? Scientists have also asserted cities may be able to generate electricity merely from human footsteps. Given that your brain and heart are both conduits for electrical activity which influences your energy, bad and good ‘vibes’ are definitely a real thing! Take our quiz below to see what kind of vibes you emit to others!

11. How would others best describe the general mood of your living space?

10. What does a room with a 'dark ambiance' make you feel like most?

9. Do you keep to yourself or prefer the company of others?

8. How much do you enjoy the outdoors?

7. What kind of exercise do you engage in most frequently?

6. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward the environment around you?

5. Is it possible to fake a positive mood?

Simple Psychology

4. When I enter a room full of people I don't know, I'm most likely to

The Tenant Advisor

3. How energy-efficient is your living space/home?

2. What term best characterizes your regular level of energy?

1. Which of the following things gives you the most energy?

What Kind of 'Vibes' and Energy Do You Give Off to Others?
Bad Vibes
Uh-oh! It looks like you may be unintentionally giving off negative vibes to those around you. To better control the energy permeating through your body, try meditating, doing yoga, or exercising more frequently. A lower power bill and more cost-effective consumption wouldn't harm you, either!
Below Average Vibes
You don't have the worst energy out there, but it could use some improvement. Focus on instilling a positive impact in others to boost your own energy, including a more positive impact on your own environment and others around you. Remember, we only keep the things we give away, including acts of kindness and charity to others.
Good Vibes
Congratulations! You're an emissary of good vibes: Laughter, personality, and personal flair have given you the gift of good energy. Others look to you for good energy when they need a 'pick me up.' Keep it up by maintaining low expenses and impacting the physical environment around you in a positive manner as well!
Great Vibes
Congratulations! Your body grooves to the rhythm of good energy, day in and day out. If you want to further extend your good energy to the environment around you, look into lowering your power bills and forms of energy consumption. This'll make you a dual threat in the energy department: someone who not only gives off good vibes but also protect the environment around them.

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