Commercial Solar Panels in Utah and Nevada: A Case for the Cause

Commercial Solar
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The Benefits of Commercial solar in Utah and Reno, Nevada

Every thousand-mile journey begins with a single footstep, but nothing sours the beginning of a journey like a business’s Bigfoot-sized carbon footprint.

In addition to bolstering your brand and advocating environmental responsibility, these are the most significant factors that make going green a smart decision for any business.

Commercial Solar Saves Utah and Nevada Businesses Money

A dollar saved is a dollar earned, and the point of every business is to make more dollars. Through the Federal Tax Credit, you are able to save more as long as you have taxable income. This incentive allows solar companies to create a greener business via commercial solar. You receive this incentive through a 30 percent tax credit. And although this credit is decreasing, the commercial solar component of this tax credit will still get 10 percent incentive allotment after 2021.
Many states also offer their own tax credits. Utah and Reno, Nevada have state tax incentives for commercial solar. 

The Win-win of Making a Solar Energy Business

One of the benefits of running a green businesses is that the younger generation is more likely to purchase their products. A Nielsen survey found that three-fourths of Millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable options. This number has increased with each generation. 72 percent of Generation Z are willing to pay more for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact.
Consumers want products that are good for the environment. For those interested in residential solar, these statistics mean not adopting green and sustainable lifestyle measures will put them behind the curve, not just just in terms of savings potential, but public image as well. 

Be a Business that Walks the Environmental Talk 

Businesses, however, shouldn’t go green just because it’s going to reel in more business or save more money. Wholesome motives are just as important to consumers as the outcomes of your operational choices.
Letting a greater purpose or cause weigh in on your business decisions is called the inside out mantra. Executives who are passionate about what they do tend to be happier and more successful, and they achieve this end by steering their businesses toward positive moral and environmental outcomes. 

Energy-efficient Solar Incentives for Businesses in the Inter-mountain West

If you would like to enhance your solar generation, you can update to more efficient options. You can start small by switching from incandescent to LED bulbs. One LED bulb is equivalent to 21 incandescent bulbs in terms of lifespan. Compound this with the cost of running major factories and the savings are monumental.
If you want to make your switch to solar more drastic, states like Nevada have programs that can help. NV Energy’s commercial energy services offers technical assistance and cash incentives for energy efficient equipment and lighting products that save energy and reduce utility bills. By running a simple test, NV Energy can show you how to save energy and money in your office building. 

How Solar Power Positively Impacts Your Business’s Operations

Take a look at your production process. How can you make them more environmentally friendly? If your company sources goods and services from other vendors, green procurement is a trend worth following. Choosing to work with companies that are less environmentally damaging is another way to walk the walk. It shows your customers you care. Commercial solar projects also bring an immediacy to the forefront of solar, putting it in its proper environmental light. 

Power Your Business with a Solar Commercial Install

The biggest way to go green with your business is to install solar. Going solar allows you to make a difference both at home and abroad. Through solar-backed programs like One Heart One Mind, less fortunate individuals can also have electricity, educational opportunity, economic empowerment, and greater access to healthy living environments/safety. 
Review your brand, its purpose and your bottom-line. As you do you will soon find that reducing your carbon footprint is the way to go.


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