Creative Ways to Utilize Solar Energy in Business

Commercial Solar

There are many reasons for using solar for your business. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that business have implemented solar.

Eco-Efficiency Practices That Make a Difference

In order to take full advantage of solar, you should consider cutting your energy costs. This will allow you to save even more with your solar installation.

Energy Efficient New Construction

One way to increase energy efficiency is to include it in the plans of your new builds. When you are considering adding to your business include solar from the get-go.

Same goes for other energy efficient appliances. If you have the ability to use efficient devices now, you will save more.

Updating your Bussiness

If you already have a building, you can make positive changes by updating your business. These can be updates as small as switching to LED lights. Efficient updates with the installation of solar will make a large dent in your power bill.

The easiest way to make your business more efficient is to upgrade as needed. This means when something needs to be replaced you upgrade to an efficient option.  When you upgrade as needed you are able to become energy efficient in manageable chunks.

One way companies can make a huge difference is by updating to emission efficient vehicles. Updating your company thermostat is another great way to take control of your energy consumption.

Educating Customers and Employees

Being an example is great, but if the public isn’t aware you might be missing out on an opportunity. Green companies have become an important factor in consumer choice. And employees have a greater sense of pride in their work if their employeer is trying to make a differnece.

Making sure others are aware of the part you are playing is integral to boosting community appeal. Don’t miss out on the chance to increase your sales and employee satisfaction.

Large Corporations Investing in Solar

Large companies that decide to invest in solar have a huge impact on air quality. The solar means business 2017 report found that U.S. businesses installed enough solar to power 402,000 homes. This is a large amount of energy now powered by the sun and we have even more installed today.

The List of Solar Powered Businesses are Growing

Among the companies that have taken on solar are corporate giants Apple, Amazon and Walmart. These companies have not only set an example for the future but have paved the way for today.

Ways Companies Can go the Extra Mile

Some have installed solar; others have taken solar the extra mile. Here are some of the ways that you can take your business one step further.

LEED Certifications and EPA programs

Getting your business LEED certified is a badge of honor. Businesses receive different LEED certifications based on the green projects they have completed.

There are four tears of LEED certification. They include: certified, silver, gold, and platinum.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also has programs that companies can support. These programs range from renewable energy and waste management to transportation. Leading organizations also receive recognition from the EPA.  

Creating New Lines of Energy Star Certified Products

Companies can lead the way in green technology by using and improving technology. When we take advantage of the technology that already exists we advance. When we improve existing technology we spur continued growth.

Implementing Zero Sustainability Plans

Another way that businesses are going the extra mile is by setting lofty goals. Large companies like Apple and IKEA  are done waiting for energy policy. They have taken climate change into their own hands and made zero emissions their company goal.

What is best for your business is ultimately your decision, but being more eco-friendly can be rewarding in more ways than one. The first step is to take a look at what solar can do for your business. Once you have weighed the pros and cons take a look at your options and go from there.


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