Category: San Antonio Solar

Why 100% Offset Isn’t Achievable for Most Texas Homes

San Antonio Solar

Reaching an offset of 100 percent is harder than it looks and sounds. While many Texas homeowners own solar homes, most don’t have 100 percent offset. To most, the notion of less than 100 percent offset is ludicrous, but there are multiple reasons for it. Some of these reasons include available space for panels, solar […]

San Antonio Peak Sun Hours and Solar Panel Tilt

San Antonio Solar

Peak sun hours and the tilt of the solar panels are factors that impact San Antonio solar generation. Because solar arrays are reliant on sunlight for the production of energy, the amount of power coming from the same number and type of panels varies, which is why San Antonio’s sun exposure matters. Solar panels that […]

Consumer Logistics for Texas Solar Installs

San Antonio Solar

Residential solar gives homeowners control over their power production, particularly in San Antonio. Post solar installation habits also help solar homeowners become more aware of the amount of energy used and the best time to use it.  Increased control over everything, energy production included, is becoming desirable to homeowners, which is why installing residential solar in San Antonio is […]

Why Solar Energy Production Matters in San Antonio

San Antonio Solar

Like everything else in Texas, energy consumption and production is bigger. As an energy-exporting state with numerous surrounding areas relying on the Lone Star State’s energy production, the need for solar panels in San Antonio and other larger metropoles throughout the state is growing. But renewable energy is nothing new here. Texas took the lead […]

Solar Cost and Savings Factors for San Antonio Homeowners

San Antonio Solar

If San Antonio’s potential solar buyers only looked at how much solar cost, no one would buy it. However, that is a bit like looking at any other investment without considering the returns it can provide, especially since many solar companies offer zero down payment programs. Since solar energy is a home improvement item with […]

Certification Requirements for San Antonio Solar Installers

San Antonio Solar

In the solar industry, solar professionals hold themselves to industry-wide standards. Professionals that meet these standards receive industry-recognized North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Certifications. These certifications tell the world that the professional has the skills to meet the needs and expectations of the profession. This certification, however, isn’t the only certification that quality solar […]

Is San Antonio Residential Solar Worth It?

San Antonio Solar

Because of the push for more solar, installations have popped up everywhere. For Texans, however, the choice to invest in something isn’t determined by popularity. Texans don’t follow blindly like a bunch of sheep off a cliff. Instead, we carve our paths and make our unique brand stand out in the crowd. That is why […]

Comparing Your Energy Needs to the Average San Antonio Home

San Antonio Solar

Electricity use is dependent on the area the home is in. Large homes in moderate climates need the same or less energy as small homes in extreme climates. San Antonio Texas is known for its extremely hot weather and winters that aren’t much better. These weather conditions increase Texans household energy use. Over 80 percent […]

Why Backyard Solar Panels Make Sense

San Antonio Solar

Not every San Antonio home qualifies for solar, but that doesn’t mean your yard won’t. If rooftop solar isn’t a good fit for your home, ground mounts may be a viable option. Here are some of the situations that make ground mounts worth considering. The reason ground mounts are a popular option for homeowners with […]

San Antonio Solar Shades: Maximizing Their Use

San Antonio Solar

Solar shades are a great addition to any San Antonio home. They allow you to block heat while still enjoying the view. The best part about solar shades, however, is that they help save energy, which in turn saves money. If you want to take full advantage of your solar shades, there are some things […]

San Antonio, TX Solar Savings Calculator

San Antonio Solar

Although the top producer of wind energy, San Antonio is known for being a sunshine state. In fact, San Antonio panels at an average tilt at latitude (ATaL) receive an average of 5.21 kWh/m2/day. Whether solar is a good option for you, however, is dependent on a variety of factors. Solar calculators will give you […]

Why Texas’s Grid Capacity Will Save the World

San Antonio Solar

Why San Antonio’s grid capacity will prove an undeniable point about the future of renewable energy around the world. Did you know you could power New York City for nearly 32 days with the excess solar energy Texas produces on its power grid in a single day? I’ll take all this leftover power to shed […]

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