Category: Emergency Preparedness

Benefits of Portable Panels and Batteries

Emergency Preparedness, Uncategorized

A home already powered by residential solar may not seem like it needs to add portable solar panels to the mix. However, portable panels complement standard home solar arrays quite well. While residential solar provides the electricity needed to power homes, portable solar panels mobilize the scale of solar’s potential, prolonging the life of portable […]

Why Emergency Prep Isn’t Just for Preppers: 7 Must-have Items

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparation often has a connection with the zealous prepper who hoards rolls of toilet paper and water to outlast the next zombie apocalypse. While having fuel, food and water for the next ten years is a stretch for most, the government does recommend storing at least three days of essentials for an emergency.  An emergency […]

Solar-powered Generators: What to Look For

Emergency Preparedness

Solar-powered generators let consumers take the power of solar panels with them wherever they go. However, you should purchase one that matches your solar-specific needs, and that can get complicated. Portable Solar Generators for Camping For the camping fanatic, portability, weight and charging are determining factors. However, for those who camp with all their essentials […]

Solar Power As a Solution to U.S. Cyber Security Threats

Emergency Preparedness

The U.S. power grid contains over 120,000 miles of electrical wiring, a network spanning more than half the distance to the moon. The grid, as a critical component of the U.S. information infrastructure, has become increasingly susceptible to cyber attacks. To be clear, the U.S. grid itself has not grown less secure. The sophistication of […]

4 Reasons We All Need Battery Backup

Emergency Preparedness

Optimize your residential battery backup with solar backup power Since adding solar capabilities to homes has become increasingly affordable, more owners are attempting to give up the grid for good. Of course, the availability of sunlight varies from hour to hour, so many homes must still rely on the grid or a diesel generator for […]

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