8 Common Mistakes Your Utah Solar Installer Should Avoid

Mishaps happen, but big Utah solar installers shouldn’t make certain mistakes. Getting solar through a company that you can trust will save you time and frustration, especially if you can find installers who avoid the following mistakes.
1. No Customer Contact Post-install
After your system has been installed, your Utah solar company should have a checkup protocol to make sure your system is running properly. Before you go with a solar company, make sure you know what their post-install policy is.
2. Lack of Check-ins to Ensure Your System is Running Properly
Going with a company that has a quality post-install program will ensure long-term ease of use and company responsiveness. You should expect a couple of checkup conversations about your system function over the first year.
If you decide you want to move your panels a full-service company will provide services to help you with the removal and re-installation of your panels. You should also make sure they have Installation services for additional panels. Having replacement services for warrantied faulty hardware or damaged panels is a must.
3. No Explanation of Your Solar Panels’ Heat Dynamics
At some point, someone from the Utah solar company you choose to go with should explain how your solar panels work on both fundamental and technical levels. Assuming that the customer knows how the product they bought works is a recipe for frustration.
This is especially true if the solar company does not specialize in post-install mechanics and service. Yet another reason to avoid contracted Utah solar installers.
4. Not Explaining Peak Production Hours for Your Solar Panel Production
Solar companies should take the time to talk to you about your solar panels’ production. There are peak hours of the day that your panels will perform at their best. The more peak hours that your area has the more power your system will be able to produce.
Your panels perform better not because it is super hot, but because they are able to receive more UV radiation during peak production hours. In fact, excessive heat can detract from the overall performance of your solar panels.
Your Utah solar installer should know when those hours are for your area and what type of production you should expect from your system throughout the year. This also hinges slightly on which type of solar inverter your home needs, which you can learn more about in our periodic table of Utah solar panels.
5. No Instruction on How to Handle the Snowfall
If you live in Utah, getting snow on your panels can sometimes be a big concern. Your solar installer should be able to answer your questions about how your system handles inclement weather and how to best get rid of excess snow.
6. No Explanation About How Water Affects Your Solar Panels
If your panels are covered in snow, their production will decrease. Although panels will heat up and melt the snow it will take a while if the solar panels have large amounts of snow on them.
The best way to get rid of your excess snow, if it isn’t too cold and it’s light snow, is to get your hose out and spray your panels off. Once you can see your panels under the snow, they should be good to begin absorbing UV radiation.
7. No Explanation for the Requisite Solar Panel Tools, Such as a Roof Rake
If you have a large load of snow, you can use a roof rake to get the majority of the snow off your panels. Making sure that you get a roof rake that has rollers will prevent your panels and shingles from getting damaged as you pull the snow off the roof.
8. No Assistance With Your Paperwork
Paperwork for your panel installation can be a bit of a hassle, but it needs to be done properly before you can move forward. Going with a company that completes the paperwork for you and walks you through it will save you time and energy.
Permits and Metering Agreements
Before you can get your panels installed, you need to have a permit approved and in-hand and a new metering agreement with your power company completed. Getting this paperwork approved can take a while, so getting it in sooner rather than later is always better. Using a full-service company like Go Solar Group will ensure that your paperwork gets completed and approved as soon as possible.
State and Federal Tax Credit Paperwork
Getting a refund for your purchase is a wonderful feeling, but the paperwork to get it can be daunting. You will want to make sure that your solar company has services that will help you file tax credits so you can enjoy your savings to the fullest.
Getting an in person quote from the companies that you are examining will give you a chance to see if they are going to be a good fit for you. This is an opportune time to ask about their policy and what you can expect from their solar services.
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