7 Celebrities Who Stand Behind Solar Energy

With money to blow, it is intriguing to see what some celebrities are willing to spend their money on. Sometimes, however, having wealth means more than buying whatever you want.
Many wealthy individuals also have the means to back causes they believe in. Solar is a cause worth investing in and these seven celebrities agree.
1. Edward Norton: Drawing More Celebrities to Solar
Edward Norton has played a intergral role in climate change. In 2010 he was designated the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity.
Norton is also a large supporter of solar. He headed the BP Solar Neighbors Program. This program gives solar to a low-income family for every celebrity that buys solar. Norton’s support of solar has raised awareness and many other celebrities have joined his Solar Neighbors Program as a result.
2. Brad Pitt: Solar Neighbors and Make it Right Foundation
Brad Pitt is one of the celebrities that has participated in the BP Solar Neighbors Program. He also founded the Make it Right Foundation in 2007.
Pitt’s program promotes thinking about the environment from the beginning building stages. Make it Right builds environmentally safe projects for people in need.
3. Cate Blanchett: Added Solar to Her Home and the Theatre
Cate Blanchett not only has solar on her home but in 2010 she helped bring solar to the Sydney Theatre Company (STC). A news release for the building showcased Blanchett’s thoughts.
“If theatre doesn’t engage with the big issues that face human beings and society generally,” said Blanchett, “then it very quickly becomes irrelevant.” How we treat our environment is one of these issues.
4. Jonathan Scott: HGTV Series Star and Solar Advocate
Jonathan Scott first obtained solar for his own home in Nevada. His desire to support solar increased when Nevada’s policy took an unexpected turn.
Ever since Jonathan has been a strong supporter of solar. He has worked hard to discredit false rumors about solar.
5. Maroon 5: Performing for a Greater Cause
Most know that Maroon 5 donated their Super Bull performance fee to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. What many may not know, however, is that this band has a history of charity and environmental work.
Maroon 5 is a founding member of the Green Music Group. This group is a coalition of musicians, industry leaders and music fans promoting environmental awareness. Many of Maroon 5’s concerts have promoted solar and other green living practices.
6. Leonardo DiCaprio: Environmentalist
In 1998 Leonardo DiCaprio started an environmental foundation. This foundation has focused on the earth and the problems it faces. In 2018 Leonardo DiCaprio also joined the solar company Kingo’s board of advisors.
7. Daryl Hannah: Multi-organizaiton Supporter
Not only has Daryl Hannah put solar on her home, but she is also very vocal about her environmental position. She supports several different environmental organizations and even co-founded the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance.
The good news is you don’t have to be famous or wealthy to support the causes you believe in. There are many incentives currently available that have decreased the price of photovoltaics. Solar is now a commodity that most can afford.
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