Getting Solar Panels For Your San Antonio Home

San Antonio Solar
Go Solar Group Knowledge Base


Getting solar for your San Antonio home doesn’t have to be difficult. There are three major components that go into the Texas solar decision. First, you determine if your home is a good fit for solar, you decide your method of payment, and then pick a company to go through.


Determining If Your Texas Home Is a Good Fit


Although we would love to help everyone get solar it isn’t the best option for some homes. When you call a Go Solar Group representative they will help you determine if your home is a good fit for solar. Here are some of the things they will go over with you to determine if your San Antonio home is compatible with solar.

Requirements For Residential Rooftop Solar

You can expect that a representative will ask you how old your roof is and what type of material it is. The type of material your roof is will determine how best to install the panels. Depending on the type of roof the age of it may mean it needs to get replaced before installing solar on your home.

Another question that is critical to solar is whether your roof gets shaded. Solar panels need direct sun exposure for optimal production. You should be fine if you have a tree that can get trimmed back.

What You Need For A Ground Mount

If your home doesn’t have enough unshaded area you might be able to get a solar ground mount. A ground mount does need quite a bit of space though so you will need to own a fair bit of unshaded land for it to work.

Average residential panels are 65 inches by 39 inches. This means that you would need an area of at least 18 sq feet for one panel. CPS Energy requires that you have at least 260 sq feet of space available.


Which Texas Financing Options


Once you have determined if your home is a good fit you need to decide if your finances will allow it. Getting solar is a long-term investment and as such, it is not a cheap commodity. Determining how you will pay for your next 20 plus years of power is vital.

Qualifying For The Federal Tax Credit

For those that qualify they can get 30 percent off of their solar array in the form of a tax credit. This is a credit applied to your federal taxes.

To qualify for this credit you need to owe taxes. If you are currently working or have taxes that you pay on a pension or other form of retirement you should be ok.

If you don’t owe taxes solar is quite a bit more expensive. Go Solar Group will not set up an appointment if you don’t owe taxes because of the large price difference. You can, however, still get solar if you want it regardless of the price increase.

How Will You Be Paying: Cash or Loan?

There are three main methods of payment throughout the United States. These include cash, loan, and lease.

Go Solar Group, however, does not offer a leasing option. This is because we have found that leasing is less beneficial for the customer.

Most people opt into getting a solar loan. With Go Solar Group you can get a 10 to 15-year loan with a rate as low as 2.99 percent. We also don’t require a down payment or have penalties for paying the loan off early.

Those who have decided to pay in cash save even more because they don’t have any interest to pay. You also will get a 10 percent discount when you pay cash with Go Solar Group.

Customers who decide to pay cash have a 10 percent down payment. They then pay half at permitting and the other half at install.


Making The Decision: Which San Antonio Solar Program


Deciding which solar company to go with is the hardest part about purchasing solar. There are hundreds of solar companies out there and which one to choose can be a daunting task.

CPS Customers Need Approved Solar Installers

Which installers you have to choose from may depend on your current utility company. CPS Energy has a list of installers that have become CPS registered solar contractors. CPS hasn’t endorsed these contractors and so it would be wise to get several bids to find out which is the best.

Requirements For GVEC Customers

If you are on the east border of San Antonio there is a possibility that you are actually a GVEC Customer. GVEC Customers need to use GVEC approved contractors for their solar installation. GVEC customers need a NABCEP certified contractor with a Texas Electrical Contractors License.

Get A Texas Solar Bid

We recommend interested parties get several quotes. This will allow you to see what the best deal in your area is.

Fill out our solar panels for homes in San Antonio forum. One of our representatives will reach out to you and help you set up a free no-obligation quote.


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