Bandera Electric Cooperative

San Antonio Solar
solar in san antonio bandera electric cooperative

When it comes to getting solar your utility plays a large role in what options are available. This is largely due to the fact that they become your backup power source. Utility incentive programs and metering policies play a large role in solar acquisition.

Solar Incentives for Bandera Electric Cooperative Customers

Bandera Electric Cooperative doesn’t have any utility solar incentives. This, however, doesn’t mean customers shouldn’t consider solar for their home.

The federal government provides a 30 percent renewable energy tax credit. This allows you to pay less in federal taxes and afford renewable energy. In order to qualify for this tax credit, you need to own your home and owe taxes so the credit can be applied to something.

Because Solar increases the value of homes Texas has 100 percent property deduction. This covers the extra costs that you would have paid in taxes for the added value that panels have given your home.

Bandera Electric Cooperative Solar Program

Bandera Electric also provides photovoltaic services.  Through BEC you can get commercial and residential solar. They also offer Tesla backup, panel cleaning/maintenance services, financing and solar monitoring.

To make sure that you are making the best decision you will want to get several quotes. Ask about warranty coverage, after installation services/costs and panel and inverter specs. Answers to these questions will give you an accurate comparison.

Although it may seem that BEC solar is the better deal they may not be giving you the same amount of electric offset. Or their product quality may not be as efficient. These factors determine how much solar is actually saving you.

Metering Agreement for Bandera Electric Cooperative for Generating Customers

The type of metering program is a deal breaker for most customers. You need a metering policy that allows you to offset your night and inclement weather usage.

Bandera Electric credits generating customers the avoided wholesale cost for their excess energy. Extra credits get carried over to the next month’s bill. Although each year the generation rate is re-assessed as of 2017 the avoided cost was $0.05 per watt.

The avoided cost rate is always lower than the rate customers are charged. Solar companies determine your solar needs base on your yearly usage. This allows them to size the system so that it will offset times of the year that have less sun exposure.

When you compare companies look at the size they predict you will need and ask for details. Find out how much of an offset they are shooting for and how much you will be saving with their predicted offset.


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