Should I Still Buy Solar in Reno?

NV Solar Facts
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Go Solar Group's Additional Reason for Getting Solar in Nevada

Reno is one of the sunniest cities on the planet, making solar an extra profitable investment. However, Reno recently faced a renewable energy challenge when the solar industry suffered a bait-and-switch technique from the NPUC (Nevada Public Utilities Commission). The resulting solar-industry crash made purchasing solar, which is already a big decision, a harder one for many Nevadans to make. However, the market has since been re-optimized for solar.

Nevada Net Metering Changes

The PUC of Nevada made everyone think that they were going to continue supporting residential solar. Then it allowed NV Energy to implement a negative rate change that impacted both those who already had solar and future residential installations. NV Energy’s net metering rate change made residential solar a harder path to renewable energy ROI.

Thankfully, however, these rates did not last. The state of Nevada moved back to a solar-friendly net metering model, re-instituting net metering returns similar to those during solar’s hey-day.

The net metering road bump hasn’t stopped solar from progressing in Nevada. While devastating and unsettling, this transition helped weed out the companies unprepared to help customers for years to come, which improves Nevada’s solar market image and NV Energy’s customer satisfaction.

Why Homeowners Don’t Need to Fear a Repeat of this Process

Understandably, some homeowners fear a repeat of the past could harm them if they add solar to their home. However, Nevada has learned from the past and since added measures to help protect solar customers. Nevadans don’t need to fret over a history repeat. 

Reno Solar Savings Calculator

The federal and state incentives have made solar energy a price-competitive option. These incentives, however, will not always be here. Homeowners who want the benefits of these state incentives and federal solar tax credits must take action as soon as possible before they disappear, and so they can be grandfathered in to existing saving incentives.

Our Reno solar savings calculator can help interested parties find a financial approximation. However, if you want to know your actual savings, you will need a customized solar assessment for your Nevada residence, which Go Solar Group provides free of charge, either online or in-person.

Specific Estimates and Reno NV Solar Quotes

A solar quote helps homeowners see the savings and pricing specific to their home and energy consumption habits. These numbers vary from company to company, which is why it’s best to gather multiple quotes from several solar installers. Reviewing solar installer options helps individuals form questions and answers for specifics that are important to them and their home’s energy needs.

Comparing Solar Panel Quotes

Comparing multiple quotes helps in several ways. First and foremost, reviewing your solar company installation options provides insight into both pricing, value, and products availability.  An in-person quote also provides an opportunity for individuals to ask questions about the installer’s equipment and how the system will work. Our competitor comparisons offer side-by-side, objective overviews of top installers in each area.

Solar Quote Components

This one-on-one experience helps homeowners decide if a company can meet their needs. An ideal in-person solar quote focuses on educating the customer rather than pushing the sale. 

During a solar quote assessment, prospective solar customers should consider the product offering, price and company conduct. A company that only cares about making the sale doesn’t think about the customer’s needs, and will likely not be responsive to the needs of the homeowner after the installation is completed and they are paid in full.

What Makes Go Solar Group Different?

While all solar companies offer solar panel prices, it’s the quality and selection that sets each company apart from one another. However, what sets Go Solar Group apart from other Reno Nevada area installers can be boiled down to 2 things: Our unique battery backup selection and the values that the company strives to uphold: Improvement, impact, and service, the latter of which including our 1heart1mind non-profit branch of the organization. At Go Solar Group, we offer three levels of battery backup. These levels help people with both small and large solar storage goals for their home, so they don’t have to export excess solar energy produced by their panels back onto the grid at a loss.


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