Utah Competitor Comparison: Go Solar Group vs. Auric

We understand finding the right solar company is a bit of a hassle. As a result, we have taken the burden of comparing the competition on our shoulders. This comparison gives Utah solar customers as complete a picture as possible of Go Solar Group and Auric.
Taking a Look at Company Ratings
Most people that don’t have friends to seek advice from lean on the ratings and comments of past customers. However, unsatisfied customers are more likely to take the time to leave reviews. This can make the rating unrepresentative of normal customer experience.
Comparing the number of customer reviews to the rating is one way to critically assess company quality. You can also look at the reviews and see how many of these reviews were similar.
Some companies have also been in business longer than others. You should take this into account when looking at ratings. If one company has been around longer they are likely to have more ratings.
Go Solar Group Ratings
As of Feb 25, 2019, Go Solar Group has 3.8 stars out of 29 reviews on Google. Eight of these reviews were less than three stars.
Better Business Bureau
The Better Business Bureau has given Go Solar Group an A+ rating with 5 stars out of 8 reviews. It has also been BBB accredited since 2014.
Auric Energy Ratings
As of February 25, 2019, Auric has received 4.6 stars out of 166 reviews. Of these reviews, 15 received three stars our less.
Better Business Bureau
The BBB has given Auric an A+ rating with 4 stars out of 17 reviews. And it has been accredited since 2013.
Solar Product Comparison
Product comparison is vital to customer satisfaction. If the companies compared don’t have similar products this needs to be a consideration. A better product may be worth the price
Taking a Look at Backup
Because photovoltaics are dependant on sunshine some sort of backup is necessary. Often, solar arrays stay connected to the grid to cover usage when the sun is down.
The problem is that if the grid is your only form of backup when it fails so does your solar array. This is to prevent harm to the linemen fixing grid issue. For those that want power when the grid is down, having other solar backup options is a must.
Go Solar Group Solar Backup Options
level 1: A Portable Backup Generator and solar panel – for power essential loads and on the go power.
level 2: Battery extension packs along with the portable solar generator and solar panel.
level 3: Custom Battery Backup – Tesla Powerwall
Auric Backup Options
Although Auric doesn’t currently provide backup they might in the future.
Inverters Offered by Each Company
Your inverter is the powerhouse between your solar array, your home, and the grid. If you have an inverter that is inadequate, you will experience disappointment.
The two main inverter types include string and micro-inverters. Both types have pros and cons, but optimizers can minimize string inverter issues.
Go Solar Group Residential Inverter: Solar Edge
Go Solar Group uses the Solar Edge inverter. These inverters are optimized string inverters, which means they can handle shading issues more easily. These inverters have a 25-year
Auric Inverter: Enphase
Auric currently uses the Enphase inverter. This is a microinverter with a 25-year warranty.
Solar Panels Options
The type of panel you choose to use will impact your entire array. It is best to choose a quality panel that has a high-efficiency rating and a higher power wattage. This will increase the power you are able to produce per panel.
Go Solar Group Panel Specs: Axitec
Go Solar Group uses the Axitec AXIblackpremium mono-crystalline modules for most of its installation. These panels are not only German-engineered, but they are also 315-watt.
These panels have an 18.44 percent efficiency. Axitec panels have a degradation of 3 percent in the first year and 0.5 percent each year afterward.
These panels have a 15-year manufacturer’s warranty and a 25-year nominal performance warranty of 85 percent.
If requested or needed, Go Solar Group also offers premium LG, Solaria and Silfab modules.
Auric Panel Specs: Silfab and Solaria
Auric’s residential panels are between 320-360 Watts. These are the current brands they carry as of Feb 2019.
Silfab has four different panels between 320 and 360 watts. These panels are monocrystalline, but they aren’t German-engineered.
These panels range between 17.4 and 19.9 percent efficiency. The panels with lower wattage also have lower efficiency. They also have a 25-year product warranty and a 30-year performance warranty.
The second brand that is currently being used is Solaria. They have three panels between 320 and 360 watts. These panels’ efficiency ratings range between 19.4 and 19.9 percent.
These panels are also mono-crystalline and
Weighing Solar Services
Another way to determine if a solar company is right for you is to look at the services that they provide. Many solar companies have financing options as well as pre and post-install services.
Financing Options
Go Solar Group Financing Options
1. zero-down loan
2. cash: 10 percent down, pay the 1st half at permitting and 2nd half at meter install (10 percent discount)
Auric Financing Options
1. zero-down loan
2. pay cash after tax credits go through
3. pay cash upfront
Pre and Post Solar Services
Go Solar Group Services
- Has NABCEP certified installers
- Engineers your solar power system
- Submit permits
- Work with solar loan partners
- Clean and professional installation by a Go Solar Group installation team
- Schedule city inspection
- Schedule the net meter installation
- Complete solar tax documents
- Solar array post check
- Panel removal services for re-roofing and moving customers.
- panel monitoring
Auric Services
- Has NABCEP certified i
nstallers - Engineers your solar power system
- Submit permits
- Facilitate financing
- Installs the system
- Schedule the city inspection
- Schedule the net meter installation
- Complete solar tax documents
- Follow-up communication
- Lifetime panel monitoring
Paying it Forward
No matter who you get solar from you will be reducing toxins put in the air by your local utility. Choosing a solar company that focuses on the needs of others, however, will have an even greater, positive impact.
Auric’s Echo Program
Auric has an outreach program called The Echo Effect or the Auric Echo Program. This program focuses on helping the local community. In the past, Auric has sponsored Jr. robotics and installed panels on the Utah YMCA.
Go Solar Group is different than most solar companies because of
Through Go Solar Group’s charity extension, 1heart1mind, many lives have been improved. For each solar array installed in America Go Solar Group funds a revolving micro-loan.
This micro-loan is used to help these people afford solar products. 1heart1mind has worked to improve and provide access to healthcare, education, employment, micro-loans, orphan-care and clean energy in African communities.
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