Why COVID-19 Is Turning Homeowners to Solar Energy

Sustainable Living

Although COVID-19 has negatively impacted the global economic climate since March this year, the downturn has not gone without its valuable lessons. At the very least, this pandemic has made it clear which forms of energy will sustain our future. With the uncertainty COVID-19 and future pandemics bring to our energy infrastructure, homeowners are in a […]

Rocky Mountain Power’s 2020 Proposed Net Metering Changes

Solar Legislation

In 2017, Rocky Mountain Power proposed a net metering rate for solar customers that would have made solar unfavorable to homeowners. To make sure a rate change is fair, the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Utah implemented a transition rate and solar generation study instead.  This new rate decreased customer compensation for excess generated solar […]

Positive Post Solar Installation Habits

Sustainable Living

Solar energy is a great way to decrease electric bills, but these savings can increase. By changing some habits, solar can help customers save even more. There are several reasons for purchasing solar. However, the driving motivator in the United States is often monetary. Solar customers already receive a return on investment. With these savings […]

Industries That are Better off With Solar

Solar Industry Predictions

Solar is a booming industry; however, it isn’t the only beneficiary. Other players also benefit from the increase in photovoltaics. There is a wide range of industries that profit from solar. It impacts everything from raw materials to the recycling. Let’s take a look at these industries and how solar is impacting them. Solar Panel […]

The Green New Deal and Residential Solar

Solar Legislation

The recent hyper-focus on global warming has brought with it a national push for the Green New Deal. The idea of the Green New Deal, however, isn’t that new. The idea of becoming less fossil fuel dependent first came to light in the 1970s. However, the phrase “Green New Deal” was first used by Thomas […]

Power Continuity with Digitalization and Renewable Energy

Solar Industry Predictions

Power continuity is a major concern. Solving this issue, however, will require more than a bandaid fix. That is why experts in the field have paired grid updates with renewable energy. The future of utility reliability is dependent on the co-dependence of renewables and technology upgrades. Together these updates will increase reliability and flexibility of […]

Robotic Parking Valets and Solar

Solar Industry Predictions

Solar is the answer to the problems that automated parking poses. Medical advancements have made it possible for people to live long full lives. Part of a full life for most first world countries includes owning a vehicle. Parking the vehicle, however, is a growing concern. When it comes to parking it can be painstaking. […]

Should Photovoltaic Panels be a Home Requirement

Solar Legislation

On May 9, 2018, California’s energy commission mandated that new homes have photovoltaic arrays. Starting in 2020, this new provision will be in effect. With this decision to make solar a requirement has come controversy. Many points for and against mandated solar have come to light. Until California works out the kinks, other states probably […]

Improving Solar Permitting in the United States

Sustainable Living

In the middle of building a new home or just adding on? These all require building permits. In fact, permits are one of the necessary evils that every building project faces. Permitting ensures the project is safe. The city or county issues permits when a project’s plans are up to code. Legally projects can’t start […]

Solving the World’s Problems One Solar Tent at a Time

Sustainable Living

The world is filled with problems. If an individual were to look around, they would be sure to find more things needing improvement than things that are already perfect. Those who find ways to solve these issues are the ones who will make the world a better place. Groups of people are working together to […]

MACRS: Green Energy Home Office Incentives

Solar Legislation

When people think about business expenses, they think about the office. However, many now have offices in their homes. The good news for solar-powered homeowners is running a business out of their homes can expedite their solar savings earnings, leveraging depreciation of residential solar equipment as a business expense. While depreciation is generally a bad […]

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