Category: Solar Facts

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

Solar Facts

All electricity-based technologies, including solar panels, degrade over time. However, as part of this decade’s technological advancement, we have seen degradation rates decrease, which increases the lifespan of different electricity-based products. While some replace their products with newer models, the device they’re replacing often still works. The longevity of solar panels has also followed this […]

Solar Power Facts From Solar Energy Experts

Solar Facts

When considering solar power for a home, all the aspects need consideration. While a financially sound decision for homeowners, solar energy experts know that other facts, along with the ROI of solar, make photovoltaics a sound investment.   Saving money may be one of the main reasons individuals and companies invest in solar. However, it isn’t the […]

Renewable Energy for New Utah Homes: A Quick Guide

Solar Facts

Solar energy for Utah homeowners has, in a sense, become its own form of social currency and social status: Homeowners with solar power in the Beehive State have a rooftop adornment that readily showcases their commitment to energy independence, financial intelligence, and commitment to environmental improvements, the final of these items being something of which […]

What Custom Utah Solar Looks Like

Solar Facts

Something resonates deep inside when we hear the word “custom.” Everyone loves the idea of being unique and having a product fit their needs perfectly. However, in the Utah solar industry, this word is tossed around all too readily. Weeding Out Fake Utah Solar Customization Claims Solar panels can and should be customized to fit […]

Solar Panel Types and Purposes

Solar Facts

Solar is an expanding industry. While there is still lots of research going into the types of solar panels on the market today, there is an equal amount of research going into the supply side of the equation on how to make these products even more efficient. All these types of solar panels have different […]

So You Have Solar, Now What?

Solar Facts

Most focus on the process of choosing a solar array. It is also important, however, to know what you should expect after solar is installed. Monitoring System Production One of the first things that you will want to become familiar with is how to use your solar monitoring. What you need to do is dependent […]

Handheld Solar Panels: Harness the Sun in the Palm of Your Hand

Solar Facts

Being an adventurist doesn’t mean you are a minimalist. Many people that love to explore the outdoors keep at least a cell phone with them. In our day in age having a way to charge your devices is critical. The hard part is deciding on a charging device. The Appeal of a Handheld Solar Charger […]

What is Go Solar Group’s Mission?

Solar Facts, Utah Clean Energy

Go Solar Group’s mission is to provide quality solar products and premier customer service. Our company blossomed from a desire to help others and today it continues to pursue that goal, albeit in a different way. This company was founded in 2009 to provide clean solar energy in Uganda and improve education and safety of […]

Utah Solar Energy Prevents these 5 Awkward Convos

Solar Facts

Even awkward silences are less awkward than these conversations, many of which can be easily prevented with a simple solar panel installation for your Utah home. 5. The ‘Thermostat Wars’ Conversation: Young Utah Couples, Beware Photo credit: Men and women comprising married couples across Utah will have their thermostat wars ‘until death do them […]

What is solar energy?

Solar Facts

The definition of ‘solar energy’ is simple: solar energy is energy that is produced by the sun.  There are some amazing solar energy facts about the sun. For example, the Lunar and Planetary Institute describes how in just one hour the sun produces enough energy to power 2,880 trillion light bulbs. That’s like giving every […]

6 Solar Installation Mistakes for Utah to Avoid in 2018

Solar Facts

Solar installation mistakes can make or break the boons of going solar, and some solar installation teams, sadly, are responsible for these mistakes. If you’re installing a couple solar panels to power one or two appliances in your homes, the onus of the mistakes is on you as you are probably the one doing the […]

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