Utah Solar Panels in 2018 and Beyond

Did you know the sun produces enough energy in one-fourth of an hour to supply the entire world with electricity for an entire year? Imagine the possibilities that the tremendous energy emitted by the sun can have.
These possibilities are being realized through photovoltaic solar panels. Utah solar initiatives allow qualified Utahans to get solar at a fraction of the cost.
Utah is a harbinger of solar initiatives. This is due to entrepreneurial spirit, upstanding citizens, and the state’s solar potential. Utah’s economic conditions are strong enough to hoist the renewable energy flag.
Utah is one of the top 10 states for potential homeowner investment in solar energy. The state is striving to make at least one-fifth of its solar energy from renewable sources by 2025.
Tax credit advantages deliver a huge return on solar investment. Commercial locations get 10 percent tax credits. Home-owning Utah solar consumers garner as much as 25 percent in tax credits.
Utah Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Photovoltaic (PV) Analysis
Utah is one of 11 states in the country capable of providing all the electricity used in the United States from concentrated solar power (CSP). However, CSP is not the same as photovoltaic solar panels.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) provide power for industrial-grade buildings and power plants. (CSPs) may become more popular because they can utilize desert areas, which are rife with direct normal irradiance (DNI). Direct normal irradiance measures the amount of solar radiation emitted from the sun.
Other solar solutions such as parabolic troughs and solar thermal power plants are also developing. Savings and tax credits, however, tend to favor PV plans for consumers. So, if you’re going to go solar, it’s still in your best interest to look at it from the perspective of a homeowner.
In general, the CSP model is being left behind for Photovoltaic (PV) bandwidth. This is because solar panels have greater economic incentives which drive costs down.
Additionally, Utah’s renewable portfolio standard is starting to rev up. Utah’s clean energy initiatives emerged without mandates. This shows that the state is serious about renewable energy. Utah doesn’t need a push to partake in renewable energy initiatives.
Utah Solar Energy Zones
Several years ago, the Utah Bureau of Land Management identified zones for solar potential. This survey determined where solar initiatives would generate the best return on investment. After all, any state serious about solar energy wants to set up solar usage for long-term success.
When the Bureau of Land Management discussed solar energy zones almost 20 solar energy zones were top-rank for solar initiatives in the country. Three of these locations were in Utah—making Utah a staple of solar power initiatives.
This trend is yet to show signs of slowing. Solar will prevail regardless of the Trump Administration’s decisions. Remember, the President has mentioned building a border powered by solar panels. If Trump wishes to be the “greatest jobs president ever,” he’ll need to power the U.S. economy with the right renewable incentives, solar panels included at the very top of the list.
The Utah Solar Prospectus
As the 8th state in the nation in terms of solar units installed, Utah is home to numerous manufacturers and solar panel distributors. What’s more, SEIA reports that the Utah solar panel price has declined over 55% in the past 5 years. This has created an increase in demand for solar panels in the state.
Although commercial installations have declined, residential installations are increasing year-over-year. This means that solar is ideal for residential installation. And despite this decline in commercial solar panel installation, several large retailers in Utah have installed solar panel systems, including Uinta Brewing, IKEA, and Patagonia. You can expect that many will follow suit as the prices decline.
Bringing It Together: How Can You Benefit?
Choosing the right solar panel vendor in Utah can be difficult, as the market gets more saturated. Your best bet is to avoid contractors. Stick with organizations that have a proven they will deliver on their promises.
Go Solar Group provides a variety of services for our customers. These services include free assessments, financing options, permitting, and tax credit documents.
We care about the adoption of solar in the West and providing solar for underdeveloped areas of Africa. As the solar panel provider that has its customers in mind, you can trust Go Solar Group with your future energy.
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