Solar Improves Power Continuity for Remote Workers

Across the nation, telecommuting and Remote work have increased. In 2017, 43 percent of workers telecommuted at least part-time; this is a huge jump from 9 percent in 2007.
Jobs that didn’t exist 20 years ago are apart of our daily life today. These include everything from app and web developers to professional podcasters and YouTubers. Increased use of the internet has made from-home-work a viable option for many.
Remote Work Trends in Texas, Nevada and Utah
The traditional office job is starting to phase out. As time continues more of these positions are being moved to in-home-jobs.
IT personnel are being called when needed instead of kept on site. Freelance writers are able to work almost completely from home. And Texas, Utah and Nevada are no exception to this transition to the age of technology that is spreading across the globe.
Remote Work Statistics for Texas
In Texas, 4.3 percent of the jobs are legit full-time remote jobs. The rest of remote employment in Texas is either part-time or commission-based. This means that people that want or need to work from home have the option to do so.
Utah’s Statistics for Remote Work
Utah has the 13th best full-time remote working percentages in the United States. Full-time telecommuting in Utah accounts for 5.4 percent of the available jobs.
Nevada and Remote Work States
Nevada’s full-time work-from-home jobs account for 3.6 percent of the workforce. Although this number is smaller than Texas and Utah it is still pretty decent. Especially when compared to the national average of 4.3 percent.
The Appeal of Telecommuting
Although this percentage is not much this is just the full-time telecommute jobs. In America, 43 percent of the population works remotely either partially or full-time.
This is a 115 percent growth in the last ten years. Here are some of the reasons why telecommuting has increased in Texas, Nevada and Utah.
Increased Worker Productivity
Traditional offices are not ideal for all employees. Distracting people and noises can cause loss of focus.
And the chit chat and gossip in an office setting doesn’t help work yield either. SurePayroll did a survey which found, remote employees are more productive when they are secluded or work remotely.
Creates a More Flexible Work Environment
Not everyone wants to work from home, but sometimes life circumstances make it necessary. Individuals with young children don’t need to pay for childcare as often when they work from home. And those who care for older loved ones are able to work around these individual’s needs when they work from home.
Allows Older Employees to Continue Working
Older individuals have found that they either need to work or would like to continue working. Remote jobs allow people to work without having to travel or strain their bodies. A survey from AARP found that 34 percent of older Americans would like to work remotely.
Disadvantages of Remote Work That Solar can Solve
Although working from home has quite a few perks, there are some disadvantages. Let’s take a look at some of the problems remote workers face that could be solved with solar.
Problems of Mixing Work With Home Life
If your not careful remote work can bleed into home life. This is especially true for people that have a hard time quitting once they are on a roll. As a result, normal household chores that would normally get done after the workday get put on the back burner.
Dishes and laundry pile up until you don’t have anything to wear or eat on. This can turn into unnecessary spending either on new clothes or eating out in order to save time so you can continue working.
Increased Home Electric bills
Everyone uses electricity. In 2017, the average American home used about 867-kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per month.
However, when you are working from home either during the day or into the night more energy is used. Although alone it isn’t much all the appliances you use adds up to a larger monthly utility bill.
The lights in your office are left on almost 24 hours. The microwave is used during the day to heat up a quick lunch. And your computer is periodically plugged in throughout the day so you can keep going.
And this isn’t even counting at-home jobs that require special equipment. When you work from home you end up paying for the energy that the company you work for would have been paying for.
Trying to Work During an Outage
Another issue for remote workers is that you aren’t sent home for the day when your power goes out. You are still expected to finish your work projects. This can be difficult to accomplish when the power in your neighborhood is out.
Separating yourself from work, increased electric bills and unreliable power are tough challenges. All these issues, however, are less likely to occur if you have solar installed on your home.
Why Installing Solar is the Best Tip for Remote Occupations
Photovoltaics do more than improving the environment. They are a way of life. Individuals who install solar on their home experience numerous benefits, mainly solar ROI over the course of the system’s life. Here are some of the main ones for those that rely on the grid for their job.
Using Solar to Increase Productivity
When you install solar on your home you are more aware of when you use energy. Those who want to save more from their solar array should do high energy activities during the day.
The incentive to save more money allows you to see the benefit of starting a load of dishes when you take a lunch break. Or put a load of laundry in when you need a bit of a brain break. Solar enables you to have a more balanced home life.
Save Money on Your Electric Bill With Solar
A photovoltaic system will also save money. This is a little hard to believe because it is a big-ticket item.
However, when you compare solar to your current electric bill over the life of a solar array the difference is staggering. Solar can save you thousands on your electric bills.
Although you may be using a little more electricity by working at home, with solar you won’t have to worry about it. You can produce all or most of your energy usage with your system.
Continue to Work Even in an Outage
One of the selling points of solar is that it will keep your home running even in an outage. This, however, is only true if you have a form of solar backup connected to your solar array.
Go Solar Group has three levels of battery backup to choose from. These include a portable solar generator and solar panels, battery capacity extensions, and Tesla’s home battery.
Level One: A Portable Paradise
Go Solar Group uses a Goal Zero solar generator called the Yeti. This generator can use either the excess power generated from the home’s solar array, the grid, or a portable solar panel to charge it. As part of our level one battery backup option, Go Solar Group includes both a Yeti and a portable solar panel.
Just plug it into the wall or a portable solar panel. When the grid goes down, plug essential appliances into one of the many different ports on the Yeti and continue using them as normal. The Yeti will power several things for several hours no matter what time of day or night.
Level Two: Increased Capacity
Everyone has different energy needs, which is why Go Solar Group offers Goal Zero’s extension batteries. The second level of battery backup includes up to four, lead-acid batteries, Tanks. Adding a Tank allows customers with larger energy needs, but a smaller pocketbook to have their essentials covered.
Level Third: Tesla Powerwall
The largest solar backup option that Go Solar Group offers is the Tesla Powerwall. The Powerwall is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
If you install one Powerwall you can power your entire home for a couple of hours during an outage. If you buy a couple of batteries you can use them to power your home every night and during inclement weather.
The Powerwall also has its own monitoring app. This app allows you to see how well your batteries and panels are working. The app also allows you to customize when the battery is used.
Don’t let working from home hold you back. Solar is the answer to the power demand and continuity needs of remote work. Install a solar array and watch your lifestyle improve.
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