Texas’s Most Overlooked Reason to Go Solar

In order to get the most you possibly can out of solar, you need to take advantage of all your available incentives. Texas solar incentives are largely dependent on your state renewable energy policy. Let’s take a look at the major solar policy determinants in Texas.
Texas Solar Panel Laws
In Texas, the electric market was deregulated in 1999. This means that people have the ability to choose where they are going to get their power from. Because most utilities in Texas are deregulated, the policies for electric providers vary.
San Antonio, Texas Solar Regulations
In Texas, the renewable portfolio standard is only applicable to retail entities. These include investor-owned, retail electric providers, and municipals/cooperatives that offer customer choice.
Texas has a renewable portfolio standard of 10,000 megawatts by 2025. The state, however, surpassed 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy in 2009 with no plans to revise the standard.
As a result, Texas utilities don’t have anything pushing them to pay for customer generation and energy credits. Most of the San Antonio utility solar rebates come from regulated municipals and cooperatives. Which utility you are using makes a huge difference in your solar savings.
Solar Net Metering in San Antonio
Texas allows all customers the right to connect their solar array to the grid. The main utility in San Antonio is CPS Energy—a regulated municipal.
CPS Energy credits solar distributed generation customers the avoided cost rate. This is how much the utility saves by not having to generate the electricity they are purchasing.
CPS also offers a solar rebate. They pay up to $3,000 dollars per solar project to qualified solar installations. And the best news is that utilities aren’t the only ones that offer incentives to solar customers.
Well-known Texas Solar Incentives
There are a couple of well-known incentives that make solar a choice that is less heavy on your pocketbook. These include both state and federal solar enticements.
Federal Solar Tax Credit: the ITC
The ITC currently covers 30 percent of each solar project. The ITC is a tax credit that is applied toward taxes you would have owed. If you don’t owe taxes, then this credit won’t do you any good.
Because this tax credit cuts so much, people that can’t qualify for it often can’t afford solar. This is why when people are living off of social security, they are told solar isn’t going to be a good fit for them.
This tax credit is set to decrease until 2022; where it will hit a floor of 10 percent for commercial projects. After 2022, residential projects will no longer receive the ITC.
Texas Solar Incentives 2019
Because Texas doesn’t have a state income tax
Texas Solar Property Tax Exemption
To compensate for not having an income tax, Texas has large property taxes. Owned solar increases the value of your home. This would normally also increase your property taxes.
Texas, however, has a 100 percent solar property tax exemption in place. Meaning you don’t have to worry about paying more taxes as a result of this upgrade.
The Not-so-Common Texas Solar Incentive
Although these are great incentives for solar, many don’t take advantage of what solar companies give. Customers are rewarded for sharing solar through referral programs.
When looking for a good solar referral program, product quality matters. If you don’t like the product, the chances of actually getting money from your referrals are low. Taking a gander at solar referral programs while cyphering through solar companies is worth the
Go Solar Group Solar Referral Program
When it comes to Texas solar referrals, Go Solar Group has your back. Unlike, most of the competition Go Solar Group rewards everyone for sharing, and the reward is pretty enticing.
Our Texas Customers and the Sun Share Club
Go Solar Group customers can earn rewards for sharing their excitement. All you have to do is make sure that Go Solar Group knows that you referred them.
Customers that join the Sun Share Club receive $1,000 for their first qualified referral. After, all proceeding qualified referrals, which are unlimited, receive $500 dollars. This doesn’t have a cap so you can continue getting more money indeffinatly.
Join Our San Antonio Texas Sun Split Club
Unfortunately, not everyone can qualify for solar. This, however, doesn’t mean you can’t share a good deal.
If you aren’t a Go Solar Group customer, you can still refer your friends and family. Through Sun Split Club, non-customers receive $500 dollars for each qualified referral.
This incentive, like the customer referral program, doesn’t have a cap on it. This means that your earning potential is limitless.
What a Qualified Referral Entails
Qualified referrals are individuals that bought solar after you referred them. They need to purchase solar within a year from the time you submitted the referral. This is one of the reasons why knowing how to give a perfect referral will help you.
How to Give a Perfect Solar Referral
Often when people give solar referrals, they don’t even want their name connected to the referral. This means that the person you are referring will basically be cold called. Although easier on your part, it isn’t effective.
Referrals are most successful when they are contacted by the referrer first. How they are contacted, however, makes a difference.
The perfect referral is more than just sending out a mass text to all the people in your address book. It means gauging the interest of your friends, family and neighbors before giving out their contact info.
One way to gauge interest is by talking about your solar array and how much is it saving you. If they have told you that they are interested, ask if they would like a free quote from Go Solar Group.
Once they have said they would like a quote, it’s time to give Go Solar Group your referral. If you want to go the extra mile, you can suggest being their with them at their appointment. This adds a personal touch, and can make the meeting less awkward for your friend.
San Antonio Solar Panel Companies: Referral Programs
Although we believe our referral program is one of the best in San Antonio, we don’t want you to just take our word for it. Take a look for yourself.
Solar City/Tesla Texas Solar Referrals
Solar City has combined with Tesla. Unfortunately, in February of 2019, their referral program was canceled. This means that until a new referral program comes online there is no reward for all the hard work that you put in.
Vivint Solar and its Referral Program for San Antonio
Vivant rewards referrals that result in sold solar arrays. They do not, however, have information about how much is
Vivant customers can turn in a referral, by sharing a pre-made message to friends and family on social media. You can then check on these referrals through their referral center. You have to keep track of your referrals and claim the incentive in order to receive it.
Freedom Solar’s Referral Program Has to Offer
Freedom Solar awards up to $500 dollars or a free solar panel wash for each qualified referral. To be qualified the referral has to purchase a photovoltaic system.
Alba Energy Texas Referral Program
Alba Energy offers a referral program for its customers. You are can submit and track these referrals through an app on your phone.
They do not, however, list what the incentive is for referring. Although they may have a comparable pay-out rate, not having it listed isn’t a good sign.
Enviro Solar Power San Antonio Referral Program
Enviro Solar Power uses a referral code. These codes allow the company to track the leads that have been received.
If they determine that the person purchased solar because of you there is a reward in store. Enviro rewards customers between $250 and $500 dollars for each qualified referral.
When you are excited about something it’s hard to stop yourself from spreading the word. If you have found a solar company that you are happy with don’t let it go unrewarded. Make sure you are taking full advantage, and use a solar referral program.
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