Net Metering Policies in the top 10 States

Our Reno Nevada Solar Guide

We aren’t just renewing the idea of what solar panels can do for Reno. We’re renewing the reality of what they can do for you.

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7 Steps to Going Solar

Make Your Reno, Nevada Solar Experience a Breeze With Go Solar Group

1 Talk To a Knowledgeable Reno Area Solar Appointment Setter

When you Set an appointment at Go Solar Group, you will talk to a knowledgeable appointment setter. They will get the information needed to size your system and set up an in-person consultation.

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couple offering feedback in business deal

2 Meet In Person to Discuss the Specific Needs of Your Home

After talking to our appointment setter, we will send a solar consultant to your home. They will go over the details of your customized proposal and answer any questions you have about it. Our consultations provide potential customers with a no-pressure educational experience.

3 Learn About the Product Options

We pride ourselves in using quality, 315-watt monocrystalline solar panels, and a state-of-the-art optimized string inverter. If you would like to use different equipment, however, we can work with you. Here at Go Solar Group, we have a solar product suite used to design each solar array to meet the homeowner's needs. 


4  Choose a Payment Program That Works For You and Your Reno Area Home

Once you have decided to go with Go Solar Group, we will help you check to see if your home qualifies for a loan through one of our financing partners. Customers can also pay in cash. 

5 Stress-Free Solar Panels Documentation Completed For You

After you have decided how you want to finance your system, we can start the paperwork. We take care of permitting, net metering with NV Energy and point you in the right direction, so you can claim your system's federal tax credits

NV Energy and Solar Panels with GSG

6 A Professional Installation Crew

Once your paperwork goes through approval, we will set an appointment for your install. At Go Solar Group, we make sure your install is completed promptly and correctly. 

7 Watch The Solar Savings Roll In

After the solar and net metering installation and inspection, it's time to turn on the system. With a flip of a switch, you can now experience thousands of dollars in savings.

Calculate Your Reno Home's Solar Savings Now

Find out how much you can save by going solar in the Reno area with our custom solar calculator.

Who Is Go Solar Group?

African woman with solar product

Go Solar Group is a family-owned solar company founded in Utah after the two owners completed a service trip to Africa, which inspired their charitable solar work abroad.

We have wielded and marveled over its ability to provide economic empowerment to people of all creeds, backgrounds, and stripes, via improved global health, educational opportunity, savings, and individual ownership of energy production. After experiencing the benefits of installing solar products for orphanages in off-grid communities, Go Solar Group founders decided to pursue affordable solar in America, so they could provide help to the African communities it serves. 

Specialists at Go Solar Group set the appointment, design the solar array, submit financing, complete and submit permitting, and assist with the solar array installation and tax incentive documentation for you and your Reno, Nevada home.

Reno, Nevada Solar Panels Q & A

If you have questions regarding Reno area solar, we have answers.

Do I Need To Own My Home?

Owning your home is very important to the process of installing residential solar. If you don’t own your home, the owner needs to allow the installation. Since the array will go on their property, the solar company needs their approval.

What Does Credit Have to Do With Qualifying For Solar?

For many, the price of solar isn't something they can pay for in one lump sum. Solar companies know this, and as a result, they create relationships with financing companies they trust.

Homeowners with a credit score in the 700's or higher, should qualify for any solar loan without any problems. If, however, they have a credit score that is in the high 600s, it's still worth into. Those who aren't sure about credit can call and find out.

Why Is Owing Taxes Important For Solar?

Because of the federal solar tax credit, homeowners can get up to 26 percent of their system covered. This percentage equals roughly $7,000 to $10,000 depending on the size of the system.  

Individuals who don’t have taxable, unfortunately, can’t qualify for this incentive. At Go Solar Group, we don’t recommend customers install solar unless they can get this tax credit because of the savings it brings. 

Do I Have Enough Usage to Qualify for a Residential Solar Array?

For both the customer and the solar company to benefit the homeowner needs to use a certain amount of electricity in a year. Go Solar Group’s minimum usage for a solar array equals 6,000 kWh over a year or an average of 500 kWh per month.

How Much Does it Cost to Go Solar in Nevada?

The cost of solar is of interest to most prospects in Reno. Some Reno solar panel companies show the average cost per watt, while others show the expected price for the solar array. 

The best way to get the cost of a solar array is to get a customized, no-obligation quote. In-home quotes give the customer a price specific for their home's needs. 

It's even better when customers get several quotes. They can compare the prices and products of each solar company, allowing them to find the best deal in their area. 

How Can I Maximize My Solar Savings?

When homeowners install solar, they save money. However, other factors can increase these savings. The best way to utilize a solar array is to do as many high-energy activities as possible when the sun is shining.

Some of these activities include running the dishwasher and laundry machines. If there is a delay timer on these appliances, individuals can turn them on in the middle of the day when no one is home. If they don't have a delay timer, a lunch break might be a good time to run home and start a load.

Water fountains and pool/hot tub pumps also require a lot of energy. Those who want to lower their water pump energy consumption should consider investing in a couple of items.

A pool timer, a correctly sized pump, and an energy-efficient motor will save hundreds in electricity bills. It's necessary to circulate the water, but how it's done can make a difference in the cost. 

Is Solar a Good DIY Project for Reno Residents?

While some companies sell Reno solar panels and array components at wholesale prices, this doesn't mean DIY solar is worth it for Reno homeowners. After purchasing the equipment, they still need to go through the process of designing a functioning system, getting permits, and passing safety inspections before they can turn on their systems.

While this may not be an issue for an experienced electrician, it isn't a DIY project for everyone. Installing solar panels on a Reno home requires electrical expertise to make the permitting and safety inspections a seamless process.

Is Battery Backup Worth it in Reno, Nevada?

Nevada is pro backup power, which is why NV energy has battery backup incentives for solar generation customers. When combined with the storage incentives in the ITC, these can save customers even more. That's why battery backup makes sense. 

Thankfully, Go Solar Group customers have a variety of battery backup options. They can even get the Tesla Powerwall home battery.

Periodic Table of Nevada Solar Elements

Increase your understanding of solar with our periodic table of solar elements specific to the Reno, Nevada area. While some general solar terms get used across the industry, some states have solar words that relate better to their solar policies than others. These terms are the most important ones for interested parties to understand. In the below table, +signs show positives (things to seek), while - signs indicate negatives (things to avoid) in Reno's residential solar market.

Nevada Solar Panel Elements

Go Solar Group's Product Suite & Services

Go Solar Group has several levels of battery backup and multiple solar installation options. To learn more, check out our wide variety of solar products!

A Solar Incentive that Keeps on Giving: Referrals

Nevadans interested in adding solar to their home have access to many incentives. However, most don't think about company referral programs when they think about saving money on their arrays. 

Go Solar Group knows it's natural to want to share quality experiences and products with friends and family. We appreciate it when others spread the word about what we have to offer and want to reward them for it. 

With our Referral Programs, you gain $500 for each referral you give us that decides to go solar, with no limit to the number of referrals from which you can earn. 

Solar Companies to Compare in Reno, Nevada

Without a competitor review, it's difficult to determine the myriad of differences among Reno, Nevada's solar companies. Our competitor reviews offer a side-by-side comparison, which helps individuals determine the aspects they care about most.

Go Solar Group Success Stories & Testimonials

“We’re just really pleased with the result of working with Go Solar.”

“The city inspector told me he never has an issue with Go Solar Group installations.”

“It’s just nice to know we have some money invested in a place that’s doing the world and me some good.”

Wayne Sumner

“I feel they are a company I can lean on and depend on.”

“They are committed to the long-term benefit of the customer.”

“They were always there for me beyond the initial sale of the system.”

Steven Cummings

“I Want the Truth and I Felt Like We Were Getting that With Go Solar.”

“They Coordinated and Scheduled Everything for Us.”

“It Wasn’t a Sales Pitch. It Was Giving Us All the Facts We Needed.”

Andrew Morgenegg

“If you’re looking to put solar on your home, I would recommend them because of the way they treated us.”

“The best part was working with the people.”

“They showed us (in contrast to competitors) what I figured would be a much better situation.”

Dave Eckersley

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Consultation includes a Free & Accurate Cost of Solar Panels Estimate Based on Your Home’s Usage, Architecture, Design, and Solar Policies in Your Area.

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