Nevada Solar Panels Packages: Finding the Best Ones

Deciding which of the numerous Nevada solar panels packages to choose from can be a daunting task. Getting a solar array that is super expensive or very cheap is usually a big red flag that most can see. The issue is all the options in between differing price ranges, and what aspect of quality is being sacrificed at the low end of the price spectrum, and which end of quality is being upheld at the high end of the price spectrum.
Nevada Solar Panel Companies and their Packages
The solar panel package that you choose could hurt you more then help you if you aren’t careful. There are three main things to consider when you look at a solar company’s panel package. These include products, service, and financing.
Nevada Solar Company Products
The durability and efficiency of your solar array will depend on the quality of its components. No matter what company you ask, they are going to say their products are the best, so this can be a little tricky. But if you know the industry standard for solar products, you will know for sure if they are bluffing.
Quality Solar Panels Are Key
Solar panels are the first step to getting energy from the sun. If you don’t have a solid solar panel, your energy production will be less than it could be. Current panels efficiency ratings average between 15 and 17 percent.
Inverter Type and Size Matters for Residential Solar in Nevada
If you’re going to capitalize on all that Reno offers as one of the top sunniest cities in the nation, then you need to know the value of the inverter. After solar panels, the next biggest energy production factor is your inverter. An inverter changes the direct current from your panels to alternating current. There are two main types of inverters. These include string and micro-inverters. Microinverters are individual mini inverters placed on the back of each panel.
They are best for homes that don’t have optimal shading. String inverters give you optimal energy when you have ideal sunshine. If some of your solar panels are in the shade, though, you won’t produce as much power. You will also want to be wary when a solar company tries to up-sell you to a larger inverter. An inverter that is too small will decrease the power available, but having one that is too big will just cost more and lead to an increase in price for no justifiable reason.
Batteries are Necessary For Off-Grid PV Systems
If you are planning on staying connected to the electric grid, then you may think this doesn’t apply to you. Right now that may be true. But down the road when battery prices decrease you will want a system that can connect to them.
A solar array compatible with battery backup should be a must on everyone’s list whether you want it now or later. Go Solar Group only sells systems that are compatible with battery backup. We also offer emergency battery backup options with each system we install. This is just one reason we are a solar plus company expanding into the healthy connected home market.
Services the Nevada Solar Companies Provide
What services your solar company provides make for a big difference. You will want to make sure they do the installation, paperwork, and maintenance. If they don’t do these services, you will want to find who does and how you can get a hold of them.
Nevada Solar Company Financing Options
Most solar companies have three main financing options. You can either pay in cash get a loan or lease the panels. If you decide to pay for your panels in full you won’t have to worry about paying extra in interest. Most, however, don’t have the cash to invest in solar which limits them to loans and leases.
A loan will be your next best option. Loans have shown to give you a better bang for your buck long-term. Many solar loans have low interest rates and are over a short period of time. You will want to get a loan that is under 20 years and an interest rate that is less than 4 percent with no money down.
There are some that feel that a solar lease is the best option for them. In the short term, you are paying less per month for your solar usage then you would for fossil fuel. Long-term, however, you end up spending more than if you had bought the system. And because you don’t own the system you don’t get to take advantage of any of the state or federal incentives.
Nevada Solar Incentives
A big selling point for many solar panel packages is the state and federal incentives. These incentives make the choice to get solar an investment worth considering.
The Federal Tax Credit in the Nevada Solar Context
Across the country, you can take advantage of federal solar tax credits. These credits will cover up to 30 percent of your residential system through 2019.
In 2020 this incentive will decrease to 26 percent. In 2021 it will decrease to 22 percent, then expire.
You can only apply this tax credit to existing federal income tax liability. If you don’t owe the full 30 percent in taxes, it will roll over to the next tax year. If you are on social security and do not owe taxes, this tax credit won’t apply to you.
Nevada State Solar Incentives
Many states have state solar tax credits, which decrease state income taxes. Nevada, however, doesn’t have state income taxes to which they can apply this type of credit.
Nevada does have an Energy Portfolio Standard though. They will require 25 percent of Nevada’s energy to come from renewable energy by 2025. If electric companies aren’t reaching these standards each year, they receive a fine. To compensate, utilities pay their net metered customers for their portfolio energy credits.
A typical 5-kW system will bring in about 187 dollars per year. This could mean $1,600 that the utility company pays you over the next 10 years. The other option is to opt into NV Energy’s Renewable Generations rebate program. This program pays you less, but it pays it to you in one lump some instated of over time.
The Right Solar Panel Package For You
Getting a solar panel package requires doing rigorous research. This means you will need to look at websites and meet with companies to see if they are a good fit. Most solar companies don’t put their prices on the Internet. This is because of the many factors that go into pricing. Interviewing solar companies is a vital component of finding the best deal.
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