Go Solar Group Backup and Battery Backup Offerings
For our new levels of backup, which we currently sell, please visit our new backup levels page.
Level 1 - Access to Secure Power Supply/SPS (Backup, Not Battery Backup)
- Provides up to 2000 W during the day
- 95 watts go to the outlet through the secure power supply at once
- Functions basically as a feed from the outlet, drawing power from panels even though/when the grid is down.
- The outlet should be installed near the inverter.
- Great for keeping a fridge charged when the power goes out and not having groceries spoiled.
- Extension cable sometimes needed to make it work
- Only available with SMA Inverters and only works when panels are absorbing sunlight
- Access to the secure power supply only works with the SMA inverter, which we use on 95% of our installs (homes without shading issues) SolarEdge don't have that capability. There is a potential backup option with a SolarEdge, but it's a little more complicated and we only do it when we have to.

Level 2 - Secure Power Supply (SPS) and a Portable Backup Generator for Power Essential Loads
- This is basically power input to the Yeti charged by the solar panels - can charge Yeti 1400/Yeti 3000.
- Yeti and secure power supply from the yeti.
Level 3 - Portable Backup Generator with Home Integration Kit (HIK)
- Only 4 circuits up to 15-20 amps can be backed up by the Yeti 3000.
- Home Integration Kit is not for outdoor use and must be installed and used only within the home
- The HIK with a backup generator is not a whole home backup system and production is contingent on both loads backed up and the amount of withdrawable power in the backup generator.
- The HIK needs to be installed near the interior breaker box, in the same room, on the same wall. Further distance or location will be an additional charge.
- If the HIK is installed in a finished location, the unit may not be recessed into the wall.

Level 4 - Custom Battery Backup - Tesla Powerwall
- Pretty self-explanatory. 1 powerwall can backup as many 30a or less circuits as the customer desires.
- 2 or more powerwalls can backup almost every single load in the house.
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