Why Solar is Worth it in Utah: Coal is Phasing Out

Because solar is a big ticket item, considering whether it is a viable option is important. The first step to determine if solar is right for you is taking a look at your state.
Does Solar Make Sense in Utah?
Utah has some good policies in place that have kept solar alive. Not only does Utah have state tax credits, but most of the state has fairly decent metering policies in place.
Solar will continue to grow, however, because of the fight against fossil fuels. Utah is especially aware of the effects of these fuels because they get trapped in the salt lake valley. In fact, Utah has a goal that mandates all utilities provide 20 percent renewable generation to state consumers by 2025.
How Utah Gets its Power
Although coal is Utah’s state rock the use of this energy source is diminishing. Coal production has been steadily declining. Although it picked up in 2017; production is still half it was a decade ago.
In the electric sector, coal has been the predominant source of power. Although today coal continues to dominate it is decreasing rather rapidly. Between 2007 and 2017 coal dropped from 82 to 70 percent.
This percentage will continue to decrease with the increase of renewable energy. In 2017 renewable energy accounted for 14 percent of Utah’s net electricity generation.
Of this generation half came from solar; one quarter came from hydro-electricity. Wind energy has accounted for one-fifth of renewable generation. And geothermal generation accounts for one-tenth of Utah renewables.
Coal-fired Power Plants Closing
19 coal plant units have shutdown between 1987 and 2015; of these units, 3 were closed in 2015. There haven’t been any new coal plant units since 1993. In response, the US Department of Interior has approved 2 Utah mining projects.
Although these will help the Sufco and Alton mines stay afloat—they won’t for long. Renewable energy is replacing the need for coal-generated power.
Utah Solar Savings: Why I Should Buy Solar
When you purchase solar you are not only reducing your carbon footprint. You are also increasing your energy savings. Those that get solar have several incentives that work in their favor.
Solar Panels Utah Incentives
Incentives for your state and city will help you determine if solar is a good fit. Utah residents have several solar incentives at their disposal. These incentives are what make solar affordable.
One of the main incentives is the federal solar tax credit. As of 2019, this credit covers 30 percent of the solar installation.
Be Prepared with Solar Backup
When you have Go Solar Group install your solar array you are also given more solar backup options. Backup is essential if you want to have power when the grid is down. With Go Solar Group you are able to choose a backup option that fits your situation.
Taking a Look at Solar Calculators
If you want to see if solar is worth it, solar calculators are a good place to start. These calculators give people an idea of what to expect before getting into the weeds.
Google’s Solar Calculator
One of the most well known solar calculators is Google’s solar calculator—also called project sunroof. This calculator gives a good idea of the size of system, savings and price you should expect. It does not, however, compare local solar installers for you.
This means you still need to do some searching. After discovering what to expect you can now compare solar companies in your area.
Solar Group Utah Calculator
One way you can receive a quick savings estimate is to look at solar company calculators. These calculators, however, are not the same as an in-person home assessment.
If you are serious about solar, you should get several solar quotes so you can see your options. Go Solar Group has a Utah solar savings calculator. If you want details for your home, you will need a custom non-obligation proposal.
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